Some of us love morning, other's hate them, however there's no denying that a great routine can go a long way towards helping to get the day off to a productive start. If it worked for them, there's no reason why it can't work for you.
Steve Jobs
He was famous making Apple world's biggest company. Every morning he would look in the mirror and ask himself: " If today was the last day of my life, would I be happy with what I'm about to do today?" If he responded "no" too many days in a row, he knew something needed to change.
Bill Gates
Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and one of the world's richest men, likes to exercise both mind and body first thing in the morning. He start off each day with an hour on the treadmill doing cardio exercise, but watches instructional videos from the Teaching Company, ensuring that all parts of his health are looked after.
Barack Obama
The former president of the United States, Obama is up by 6:45 a.m. every morning. Then, he gone to gym to do both weight and cardio. Once he's finished pumping iron, Obama will head back to eat breakfast with his wife Michelle, and his two daughters Malia and Sasha, before sending the girl off to school.
David Cameron
Former British Prime Minister David Cameron revealed that he and his family have a no morning TV rule as he strongly believes that his children should be "doing something."
Howard Schultz
CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz talked about his morning routine, he get up at around 4:30 a.m. every morning to walk his three dogs, before coming home and making coffee for himself and his wife by 5:45 a.m. After that, it's time for work.
Jeff Bezos
CEO and founder of giant Amazon. He avoid early morning meetings so that he can spend his mornings having a leisurely breakfast with his wife Mackenzie and their four children.
Winston Churchill
Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill woke up at 7:30 a.m. every morning. Pretty normal right? but he didn't usually get out of bed until 11:00a.m. Churchill would eat breakfast and read newspaper, as well as dictating correspondence to his numerous secretaries.
I am excited to wake up each morning and experience this beautiful life, that I am creating with my thoughts and vision.
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